How I Advocated for Preventive Medical Care
After the explanation to this young man, he still maintained that because I was now over 65, I was not allowed or approved for a pap smear exam or a mammogram for three years. To me, this was unacceptable.
I felt I was being penalized for being older and, therefore, not allowed to have preventative care. It brought me back to when I was in my 20s and found, quite by accident, a palpable painless lump in my right breast. I was terrified! My husband was about to graduate professional school and here I was, scared of what I found.
I immediately called my gynecological physician and relayed my findings but was told I could not get an appointment for six weeks. I told her I could be dead in six weeks. I was working in an Emergency Room (ER) that day and was quite upset. My co-workers saw this and tried to help. One of the surgeons was in the ER at the time and they told him what had happened. He took me into an exam room and did a quick needle biopsy. It was not straw colored, which would mean a cyst, but was bloody. We set a date for a biopsy in the Operating Room (OR), signing only for a lumpectomy at that time. The outcome was not a tumor, but a lipoma, which was a painless palpable breast lump that is soft and mobile. These usually do not turn into cancer. They are just an incidental finding either on palpation or on a mammogram.