Risk of Nursing Shortages
What is your value as a nurse? It’s greater than you think, and here is why. Throughout the pandemic, healthcare continues a progression towards remote care through telehealth technology. Â
What’s at risk is something human. Faced with threats to our personal safety, we’ve done our best to protect ourselves, maintaining an adequate distance from our patients, our families, but are we putting something greater in jeopardy? Â
Technology is a blessing and a curse. A tool to care and a tool to distance. Our response to the pandemic has forced healthcare systems to adopt technologies that distance patients and providers. Â
We jeopardize human connection through the unforeseen confluence of events. But imagine your impact if you stay in the nursing profession. Â
Nurses experience and take part in the human condition daily, and bear witness to the power of intimacy, joy, and tragedy. Â
Our ability to communicate, to touch, wields incredible power. Despite the technology at our fingertips, human touch remains integral to our survival as a species. Nurses deliver that touch.Â
No other profession innervates at the interpersonal level as a nurse. Consider psychologist Harry Harlow’s classic study on monkeys. Separated from their mothers, the young monkeys embraced a cloth-covered surrogate that offered no milk, as opposed to a metal wired surrogate with milk. Â
Nurses, we are that cloth covered surrogate as we are progressing into a touch averse world. Aristotle understood that human touch is a most basic sense, binding the sensory and rational nature of our fellow humans. Driving our inquisitiveness and foundation of knowing.
At its core, human touch improves interpersonal communication, pain relief, physical and emotional healing, stress management, and circulation.Â