Burnout | COVID-19 | Nursing News

ARPA Funds to Support and Retain Nurses’ Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) awards $103 million to the healthcare workforce to reduce burnout, promote mental health efforts, and ultimately improved patient care. The ARPA Funds will be dispersed to 45 grantees.
  • The secretary of Health and Human Services visited many facilities across the nation to come to the conclusion that resources were needed to meet the needs of it’s tired workforce.
  • COVID-19 exacerbated a lot of present issues in healthcare, but hopefully this is one of many victories in this industry to address many pressing concerns.

Sherice Campbell


July 08, 2022
Simmons University

Impact of COVID on Mental Health

Pandemic COVID-19 has left a deep impression on our minds. Working in a stressed environment, watching our patients and colleagues die, not being able to find the right personal protection, and worrying about transmitting the infection to our loved ones have contributed to an immense psychological burden for nurses.

Many nurses who have worked during a fierce time of the pandemic, are now suffering from post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and other psychological disturbances.  

A research study conducted on nursing during a pandemic, states that the ample volume of people affected by a pandemic has taken a toll on providers who were trying their best to heal them. The study suggested that the healthcare workforce should be supported by providing a psychologically healthy work environment.

Healthcare systems should prioritize the elimination of psychological distress among nurses to support their mental and physical well-being. Pandemic-related stress continued to create a vicious cycle of increased workload and scarcity of resources.

However, research affirms that practicing compassion and supporting nurses can bust burnout, restore a resilient workforce, and positively affect patient outcomes.

ARPA Funds for burnout

ARPA Funds Announced

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), has announced funds to support the healthcare workforce.  

The United State’s Biden-Harris administration is investing $103 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA Funds) in order to retain its healthcare workforce. They are trying to retain their existing nursing workforce by reducing burnout and promoting their mental health and physical wellbeing.  

The HHS further says that these funds will be utilized in evidence-informed programs, practices, and training, with a special focus on providers who are serving in remote areas and rural communities.   

Secretary HHS Xavier Becerra says that he has traveled to many health centers and came to know that pandemic has intensified the issues that have been a source of stress for the frontline healthcare workforce for a long time.  

He added that this funding shows that the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to ensuring we have enough critical frontline workers by supporting the healthcare workforce now and beyond. He says that our healthcare providers have faced burnout, and mental health challenges and we will continue to promote the well-being of those who have made sacrifices to save others.  

ARPA Funds for nurses

Breakdown of ARPA Funds

HRSA is making 3 awards under this program: 

  1. Promoting resilience and mental health among health professional workforce– $28.6 million is awarded to 10 grantees to help healthcare organizations to establish, extend, and improve evidence-informed programs and practices to promote well-being among the health workforce.
  2. Health and public safety workforce resiliency training program– $68.2 million is awarded to 34 grantees to support tailored evidence-informed training development. It will include a curriculum about reducing burnout and promoting resilience among students and professionals.
  3. Health and public safety resiliency technical assistance center– HRSA has awarded $6 million to George Washington University to provide tailored training and technical assistance to the awardees. 

Along with this award program many other funds are being awarded to support and retain the healthcare workforce. The Delaware Nurses Association (DNA) has announced that they will receive $500,000 in the state American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA Funds). These funds will be utilized for a capital project to support nurses’ mental health and overall well-being.



ARPA funds relief

The Bottom Line

Our government and stakeholders have finally realized the importance of the well-being of healthcare providers. They are focusing on reducing burnout and providing a better work environment to retain their staff and increase patient outcomes through the use of the ARPA Funds.

We hope to see more of such good things coming our way to make our work life easier, stress-free, and full of moral and emotional support. All we ask for psychologically and physically safe work environment, being respected, given flexibility in the workplace, a competitive salary, and other benefits from our organizations.

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