Tip #3: De-Stress on the Days Off
Nursing is a part of your life but it’s not your whole life. Use your days off to enjoy time with friends and family, relax, workout, and eat your favorite guilty pleasure food. Once you start using your days off to do things that you enjoy, the performance of your skills can greatly improve.
We have some great tips on how to take care of yourself when you’re off the clock in “Surviving the First Year” as a new nurse. Once you clock out, be proud of yourself for doing your best and let the rest go. Rejuvenate on your days off and come back to work feeling refreshed. Balance is the key!
Tip #4: Baby Nurse Explore, explore, explore!
While in nursing school, you may have your heart set on specializing in cardiology but once you finally land a job, you may quickly realize that the position is less than what you expected.
When this occurs, it is important to not blame your unhappiness on nursing itself. Many times, it takes time to find your true passionate area in nursing and as an unseasoned baby nurse, time must be allowed.
Be mindful to explore what interests you the most to have a starting point for your career, but always remember that it is never too late to try something else that may excite your soul.
Tip #5: Be Patient with Yourself as a Baby Nurse
Be patient with yourself. The first year as a baby nurse can be full of emotions. Let yourself feel any type of emotion that you are feeling and validate those feelings.
It is okay to feel scared, sad, exhausted, excited, or any other emotion that you may be feeling. Challenge those emotions and remember how intelligent and brave you are to be entering a world where you are about to make a significant difference in the lives of individuals.
Let yourself make mistakes, learn new things, ask questions, and get comfortable being uncomfortable. The journey as a baby nurse will take you places you could never imagine – enjoy the ride!