What Causes Code Black in Hospitals to be Called? How Is It Implemented?
Now, that is the ultimate question, isn’t it?
Here in some of our local hospitals in Lexington, Kentucky, we are already seeing them canceling elective surgeries for the same reason.
That alone causes mass chaos.
People needing hysterectomies, back surgery, knee replacements, LASIK, and the list goes on and on.
And then, of course, the next problem is the new backlog of procedures piling up.
If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it is that COVID-19 is here to stay and is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be surprised if code black in hospitals became more prevalent.
But what if it becomes more than just the cancellation of elective surgeries?
What if it is not just a precautionary measure for when hospitals are out of ventilators, but rather, we are out of ventilators?
This is not a drill.