What Does a Correctional RN Do?
Every person who gets booked into jail must be assessed by a nurse.
This process is called “intake” or “receiving screening.”
Identification of acute ill-health is the priority – from “are you injured?” to “are you suicidal?” but also, infectious disease – remember we must try to protect patients from each other.
Most jails do PPD tests, STD testing, and now COVID-19 testing during this initial consultation.
The assessment uses a formatting of set questions and tools such as C-SSRS (Columbia – Suicide Severity Rating Scale) and COWS (Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale), to name a few.
Having exceptional assessment skills is typically a requirement for a correctional RN position.
This nurse’s role is crucial in correctional facilities as it can literally be the difference between life and death.
In jails, 64% of suicides and 80% of intoxication deaths occur in the first 30 days of incarceration, thus identifying these risk factors in a patient as they arrive is vital
Care Planning
Every person who gets booked into jail must be assessed by a nurse.
This process is called “intake” or “receiving screening.”
Identification of acute ill-health is the priority – from “are you injured?” to “are you suicidal?” but also, infectious disease – remember we must try to protect patients from each other.
Most jails do PPD tests, STD testing, and now COVID-19 testing during this initial consultation.
The assessment uses a formatting of set questions and tools such as C-SSRS (Columbia – Suicide Severity Rating Scale) and COWS (Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale), to name a few.
Having exceptional assessment skills is typically a requirement for a correctional RN position.
This nurse’s role is crucial in correctional facilities as it can literally be the difference between life and death.
In jails, 64% of suicides and 80% of intoxication deaths occur in the first 30 days of incarceration, thus identifying these risk factors in a patient as they arrive is vital
From There on Out
Once all of the following processes have been completed, the patient is then housed inside the jail or prison facility.
From here, correctional RNs have many other hats to wear.
Medications need to be passed on time, diabetic patients need to have their blood sugars checked, and insulin administered.
Patients need to be seen by the provider for acute health issues and chronic care management. Nurses respond to any emergency that occurs. Detoxification observations need to be completed, and if there is an infirmary, patients need to be cared for in this unit.