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Arterial Line Care Basics

Contact Hours Awarded: 1

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Course Overview

Arterial Line Care Basics

Author: Laura Kim DNP, CPNP -AC/-PC, RN

Arterial catheters are vital in managing critically ill clients; however, they pose risks that can adversely affect client outcomes. Arterial line management is a specialized skill for nurses practicing in the critical care setting. This course covers arterial line basics, focused mainly on radial arterial catheterization, from insertion, system setup, and interpreting the arterial waveform to the role of nursing in identifying and preventing complications.  

Course Outline

  1. Introduction 
  2. Definitions 
  3. Indication and Contraindications 
  4. The Cardiac Cycle and Arterial Waveform  
  5. Arterial Line Insertion 
  6. Arterial Line Setup 
  7. Alterations in Arterial Waveforms 
  8. Nursing and Arterial Line Management 
  9. Practice Gaps 
  10. Conclusion 

Accreditation Statement

Nursing CE Central LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

In this course, we will discuss Arterial Line Care Basics​. It will take the average learner 60 minutes to complete and awards 1 contact hours of continuing education.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, the learner will rate a 4 out of 5 on the Likert Scale for their ability to:

  1. Recognize the arterial waveform in relation to the cardiac cycle.  
  2. Describe the function and proper setup of the equipment within the arterial line setup. 
  3. Troubleshoot questionable arterial waveforms and blood pressures.  
  4. Identify and prevent complications of arterial cannulation.  

Target Audience

  • Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN/LVN)

Requirement for Completion

  1. Enrollment in the course by the learner
  2. Read and learn all course materials
  3. Complete the course evaluation
  4. Attest and testify learning of the course materials

Accreditations + Approvals

  • American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) (P0614)
  • California Board of Registered Nursing (CEP 17418)
  • Kentucky Board of Nursing (7-0090)
  • Louisiana State Board of Nursing (58)
  • Florida Board of Nursing (50-23983)
  • Delaware Board of Nursing (DE-24-010127)
  • Alabama Board of Nursing (#ABNP1577)
  • Iowa Board of Nursing (#393)

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

Nursing CE Central nor any of the authors, planners, content experts, or any contributors have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

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Course created on: January 02, 2025

Course Expires on: January 02, 2028

Course Offering: #471