Early Post-Op Orthopedic Interventions
Contact Hours Awarded: 3
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Course Overview
Author: Amanda Marten MSN, FNP-C
The early post operative period is a vulnerable time in which changes in patients’ hemodynamic status can occur rather quickly. Nurses working in post operative settings must be quick-thinking with excellent assessment skills to note the subtle changes that can happen during this critical period. This course will address the importance of postoperative planning, initial and ongoing assessments, and collaborative care by the multidisciplinary team in the care of the postoperative orthopedic patient.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Patient Planning
- Initial and Ongoing Assessment
- Vital Signs
- Neurovascular System
- Pain Management and Nerve Blocks
- Pressure Injuries
- Urinary Output
- Bowel Function
- Monitoring Lab Values for Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances
- Nutritional Status
- Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis
- Early Mobilization
- Fall Prevention
- Incision Care and Infection Prevention
- Multidisciplinary Care
- Patient Discharge and Follow-up Planning
- Conclusion
Accreditation Statement
Nursing CE Central LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
In this course, we will discuss Early Post-Op Orthopedic Interventions. It will take the average learner 180 minutes to complete and awards 3 contact hours of continuing education.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, the learner will rate a 4 out of 5 on the Likert Scale for their ability to:
- Summarize initial and ongoing nursing assessments for the postoperative orthopedic patient.
- Describe postoperative orthopedic surgical incision care practices.
- Identify follow-up care and orthopedic patient discharge considerations.
Target Audience
- Registered Nurses (RN)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN/LVN)
Requirement for Completion
- Enrollment in the course by the learner
- Read and learn all course materials
- Complete the course evaluation
- Attest and testify learning of the course materials
Accreditations + Approvals
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) (P0614)
- California Board of Registered Nursing (CEP 17418)
- Kentucky Board of Nursing (7-0090)
- Louisiana State Board of Nursing (58)
- New York State Department of Education (IC 208)
- New York State Department of Education Child Abuse #80996
- Florida Board of Nursing (50-23983)
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships
Nursing CE Central nor any of the authors, planners, content experts, or any contributors have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
Start Course
Course Expires on: October 16, 2027
Course Offering: #450