Endovascular Thrombectomy and Its Role in Ischemic Stroke Treatment
Contact Hours Awarded: 1.5
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Course Overview
Author: Joanne Kuplicki BSN, RN
As healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to be up to date on of all the new medical advancements and treatment options available to our patients; this is no different for stroke care and in this case specifically, ischemic stroke treatment.
Patients who suffer a stroke due to clotting or blockages typically will have general medical options. For example, medication treatments with IV alteplase (TPA), as well as interventional procedures that include clot removal/retrieval known as Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT). Are we, as caregivers, familiar with these newer ischemic stroke treatment procedures beyond the IV infusions of “clot-busters?” These interventional treatments can be done up to 24 hours post–ischemic stroke.
Nurses are vital in the education of patients and families regarding signs and symptoms of stroke and the options that are offered, as well as knowing contraindications, essential monitoring, and complications.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Stroke Guidelines and Incidence
- Ischemic Stroke Treatment: IV TPA and/or EVT
• EVT - Nursing Role Post– Ischemic Stroke Treatment: IV TPA and/or EVT
- Experience of One Stroke Center: Ischemic Stroke Treatment
- Conclusion
- References
Accreditation Statement
Nursing CE Central LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
In this course we will discuss a newer form of ischemic stroke treatment, EVT. It will take the average learner 90 minutes to complete.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, the learner will rate 4 out of 5 on the Likert Scale for their ability to:
- Recognize the newer ischemic stroke treatment options, including EVT.
- List the criteria for this newer EVT therapy and potential complications.
- Educate patients and families related to stroke signs and symptoms and timeliness in calling 911 since both TPA and EVT are time sensitive.
- Understand that the administration of TPA with EVT increases bleeding risk and specific invasive interventions should be delayed.
Target Audience
- Registered Nurses (RN)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN/LVN)
Requirement for Completion
- Enrollment in the course by the learner
- Read and learn all course materials
- Complete the course evaluation
- Attest and testify learning of the course materials
Accreditations + Approvals
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) (P0614)
- California Board of Registered Nursing (CEP 17418)
- Kentucky Board of Nursing (7-0090)
- Louisiana State Board of Nursing (58)
- New York State Department of Education (IC 208)
- Florida Board of Nursing (50-23983)
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships
Nursing CE Central nor any of the authors, planners, content experts, or any contributors have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
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Course Renewed On: May 21, 2024
Course Expires On: May 21, 2027
Course Offering: #74