Vaping Induced Lung Injuries
Contact Hours Awarded: 1
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Course Overview

Author: Sarah Schulze MSN, APRN
Vaping is commonly seen as an alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. The public-at-large commonly view vaping as a potentially healthier or less harmful cigarette substitute. However, the effects of vaping are not well studied and can be unpredictable.
In this course we will discuss the known and unknown effects of vaping on the human body and health.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Trends in Vaping
- Known Health Risks
- Role of the Provider in Vaping Education
- Case Study
- Conclusion
- References
Accreditation Statement
Nursing CE Central is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
In this course we will discuss the potential known (and unknown) effects of vaping. It will take the average learner 60 minutes to complete.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
- Identify the harmful effects of vaping, including EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping induced lung injury).
- Explain the role of the provider in educating patients on the harmful effects of vaping.
- Identify the tools patients can utilize to assist in vaping cessation.
Target Audience
- Registered Nurses (RN)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN/LVN)
Requirement for Completion
- Enrollment in the course by the learner
- Read and learn all course materials
- Complete the course evaluation
- Attest and testify learning of the course materials
Accreditations + Approvals
- American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) (P0614)
- California Board of Registered Nursing (CEP 17418)
- Kentucky Board of Nursing (7-0090)
- Louisiana State Board of Nursing (58)
- New York State Department of Education (IC 208)
- Florida Board of Nursing (50-23983)
Conflict of Interest Statement
Nursing CE Central nor any of the authors, planners, content experts or any contributors have a commercial interest nor were influenced by commercial interests in the creation of this course, financially or otherwise.
Start Course
Course created on: July 08, 2020
Course renewed on: May 18, 2023
Course expires on: May 18, 2026
Course Offering: #26