Accidents Happen
As with any amusement park, accidents are inevitable.
Whether it is the fault of the park or the guests’, people are going to get injured. Walt Disney World and Disneyland are no different.
So, what happens when a guest gets injured at the park? Where do they go?
The various Disney World parks house first aid stations, which is most commonly where you will find a Disney nurse working. As a guest, you may not notice the first aid stations initially, as Disney Imagineers are professionals at masking in plain sight.
These first aid stations are stocked with any supplies an injured guest might need, and at no cost!
Travel experts at the Disney Food Blog, highlight some of the more common items that are available at these stations, these include:
- Tylenol
- Cough drops
- Ibuprofen
- Bandages and Band-Aids
- Tissues
- Cold medicine
- Damp cloths
- Sports drinks for electrolytes
- Epinephrine
Of course, there are more items that Disney nurses can provide to guests depending on their needs.