What Can We Learn From Lady Di?
Princess Diana is known as the People’s Princess. She attained this title by how she interacted with people. She was an entirely different type of royal. Like Diana, nurses are an entirely different breed of people. We see suffering, death, and sometimes hopelessness, like no other profession.
Nurses are behind the scenes, but we care for the most vulnerable. Covid patients, the elderly, the psychiatrically unstable. We are ICU nurses, Med/surg nurses, psych nurses and more. We help bring life into the world, and watch it slowly fade away.
Princess Diana had many causes that were close to her heart. She openly touched and hugged people with AIDS during a time when there was still so much misinformation about the spread of AIDS.
Today, we know the truth about how HIV and AIDS spread, but it was another time then. She also led a personal mission to dispel the myth that leprosy could be spread by touch and would openly touch people affected by this disease.
Today, we as nurses, embody that same kind of love and compassion that was shown by the Princess. This is something we need in these uncertain times. Especially, since there is now the development of Monkeypox. There is so much misinformation flying about and new fearmongering.
And while not on the same scale as it was two short years ago, we are still seeing devastation from Covid. We need to continue to treat all our patients with dignity, respect, and kindness during these times.
One thing that Princess Diana gave most, was her time. She spent time with the underprivileged, those suffering from extreme poverty, and those- as mentioned previously- who had diseases such as AIDS and leprosy.
Her charitable work did not end there. We could talk about it for ages. However, this is what we need to learn from her: we need to get back to spending time with our patients.