Nurse travel assignments are a great way to see the country, work in very different environments, and make incredible new friendships. It’s exciting, fun, and a great way to enhance nursing skills. However, you might not anticipate that it can be a lonely experience as you find yourself in a totally new setting, on a new unit, without your go-to nurse crew.
I took a travel contract in upstate New York while I was living in Florida. I knew it would be tough to be away from my family and pets, but the contract was paying well, and I wanted to give it a try. So, I packed up my car, picked some audiobooks to listen to on the 20-hour drive, and set out.
Upon arriving at my quiet Airbnb, I quickly realized I was going to get lonely. It wasn’t something I had anticipated during my original excitement when I accepted the contract. So, I knew I would have to devise ways to stave off feeling alone and keep myself busy during my days off.
Even though I met some great fellow nurse travelers to hang out with, I found myself getting sad and homesick a couple of weeks into the contract. I desperately missed my family and pets.
The first thing I did was find a local yoga studio and hit as many classes as possible. I then researched places near my Airbnb that I wanted to explore and would plan day trips or afternoons to visit. I really enjoy local breweries, so I would check some out on my excursions.
Breweries and coffee shops are great places to chat with people to feel connected. Whenever I could converse with locals, I would also ask them for tips on things to do in the area.
I also used my time to make all those phone calls to dear friends and family that I never seemed to find the time to at home. I took an online course on soapmaking, one of my favorite hobbies. Not only that, but it was also a great time to watch the movies I’d been meaning to get around to.