Where Can an IBCLC Work?
As an IBCLC you have many options some are listed here:
- Private practice either seeing clients, teaching classes or both. In person, online, in office and/or a combination of the above.
- Work in a hospital providing inpatient or outpatient consults.
- Work with pediatric clinics, pediatric dental offices, pediatric ENT’s, etc.
- Many state funded Womens and Children programs hire IBCLCs
- Remote freelance work. There are companies that will hire IBCLC’s to offer lactation consults online as well as classes online.
- Teaching aspiring IBCLC’s and/or medical professionals.
Most people grow up thinking that breastfeeding is natural and therefore easy.
While some babies do latch on easily, breastfeeding definitely has a learning curve. Taking a class and/or scheduling a few postpartum visits can help moms feel supported as their baby grows.
Moms after delivery are getting to know their new baby, they might be tired, they have a lot of people coming in and out of their room (OBGYN, anesthesiologist, pediatrician or neonatologist, mom’s nurse, baby’s nurse, PCA, a birth registrar, a hearing screen tech, etc just to name a few).
Mom might also be receiving phone calls and text from family or even visits to the hospital and in the middle of this, the lactation consultant is providing as much support/education as she can.
The hospital stay is the short window a mom will have access to a IBCLC in hospital. Patients after delivery tend to only be in the hospital 48 to 72 hours. So in many cases it can be recommended to schedule a visit with an IBCLC after being discharged.
Many IBCLC’s are in network for insurance or can offer a super bill for each client to submit to insurance for reimbursement, so checking with insurance before the visit can help to plan accordingly.
If a hospital has a breastfeeding class in many cases insurance might cover the cost (again check with your insurance) and these classes can teach parents some basic breastfeeding information.