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Writing a Nurse Resignation Letter: How to Leave with Grace

  • Leaving your job is a big decision, and writing a professional nurse resignation letter can be challenging.
  • Regardless of however your employer has made you feel, it it best to leave your position with grace.
  • Nursing CE Central’s guide to writing a great nurse resignation letter will give you all the tips that you need!
Morgan Curry, RN/BSN

Morgan Curry, BSN / RN

Intensive Care, Outpatient Surgery, Aesthetics, Education, and Nursing Leadership

May 06, 2021
Simmons University


If you are searching for a nurse resignation letter and trying to figure out the best way to write one…you must be thinking about leaving your job.  

You have clearly put a lot of thought into such a big life decision.  

Speaking from my own experience, it is best to leave with grace 

Regardless of how many unresolved feelings of pent-up resentment, dread, or anger you may have toward your employer, it is best not to burn any bridges.  

Your previous experience in that role and the relationships and bonds formed with members of your team could be an invaluable asset down the road; therefore, it is best to make your resignation amicable.

Considerations Before Writing a Nurse Resignation Letter 

 Are you sure this is the right choice?

  • A 2018 RN Network study determined that almost 49% of nurses considering leaving the profession from 2016 to 2018, and these numbers only continue to rise each year. 
  • If you are considering leaving the profession, but are unsure of whether it is the right decision or not, check out our recent “Nurses Leaving the Profession: Should I Actually Do It?” blog for more information, tips, and advice! 

If you are certain that this is the best decision for you, let’s dive in to some of the components you will need to incorporate into your RN resignation letter to ensure that your final impression is graceful.  

Never burn a bridge that could one day be your stepping stone to success. 

Key Components to a Nurse Resignation Letter 

Career experts at Indeed outline several components that your nurse resignation letter should possess in order to leave your position swiftly, maturely, and peacefully. Check them out: 

  • Your name, title, contact information. 
  • Supervisor’s name and title. 
  • Two weeks-notice (at least). 
  • What you learned in this position. 
  • Positive aspects/outcomes from the position. 
  • A concluding ‘Thank you’ to your supervisor. 

Factors to Keep in Mind When You Start Writing Your Nurse Resignation Letter 

  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Format like a business letter.
  • Keep a copy for yourself.
  • No grammatical or punctuation errors.

Leaving with Grace 

You should envision a strategy prior to this big step.  

Above all else, try your best to remain cordial. Never burn a bridge that could one day be your steppingstone to success.  

Here are a few tips to ensure that you are prepared to give the bad news to your employer: 

– Make sure your boss is the first person to know.

You don’t want them hearing this information through the grapevine of gossip, because they may beat you to the punch. Not good! 

– You may receive a counteroffer.

Your employer may realize that they need you more than you thought they did and that you are more valuable than they led you on to believe.  

– Create a ‘Thank you’ note.

Tie in all the positive skills, experiences, and relationships that you gained from this position. 

– Make peace with all your coworkers.

Again, don’t burn any bridges.

– Be respectful.

Don’t complain or badmouth your employer prior to or after leaving.


Here are a couple of sample resignation letters that you can use to spark your writing creativity!  

rn resignation letter example 1





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