Long Term Care Documentation Example
Admissions & Discharges
Document vitals and health status of the resident and any information surrounding the admission or discharge.
Residents Who Leave Facility on Pass
Document the date and time resident left the facility and any medications that were sent with the resident. The facility is not responsible for anything that occurs outside their care. Make note when they return.
Changes in Health Status
Document vitals, actions you took, any PRN (as needed) medications given such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or other pain medication the resident has ordered.
Notify the physician and report the notification and any new orders. Notify the family or responsible party and document that as well.
If the health status change required an emergency room transfer be sure to get an order for the transfer and document the time the resident was transferred to the emergency room for evaluation.
Record whether they were admitted to the hospital or when they returned to the facility. Enter in any new orders they receive while gone.
Skin Tears & Bruising
Document new skin tears or bruises and their location on the resident. Try to discover origin of the tears or bruises.
It is important to document the size and appearance of the injuries as well. Contact physician and family if needed and document. Log any application of dressings, Steri-strips, or ointment.
New Orders
If a resident was seen during provider rounds and given any new medicaition or treatment orders, document those in the resident’s chart. Notify family and document notification.