LPN to RN Bridge Programs

LPN to RN Bridge Programs

Are you an LPN or an LVN looking to advance your career? Looking for LPN to RN Bridge Programs? The process can be daunting. There are many variables that go into the decision of finding the right program for you. Making the decision to apply to LPN to RN Bridge Programs, it will allow you, with a bit of grit and perseverance, to achieve higher education with an RN license and receive more autonomy, more flexibility, more pay, and more options.

Ready to Learn More?

What are LPN to RN Bridge Programs?

Nursing bridge programs were created so that individuals working as nurses who already possess some type of nursing degree but wish to advance their learning. The bridge programs build on existing nursing knowledge and make it easier and faster to earn a higher degree.

They have some advantages over a traditional program, including cost savings, flexibility to continue working, opportunity to test out of classes, and more. LPN to RN Bridge Programs are usually 1-2 years in length. They are offered online or in seat in a college or university setting.


LPN to RN Bridge Programs Requirements

When doing your research on which nursing LPN to RN Bridge Programs are right for you, make sure to take note of their program requirements. Some programs have a minimum GPA requirement. They may also require you to take the TEAS exam or submit ACT or SAT scores.

You must also have a high school diploma or GED, with an LVN or LPN License.


Let Achieve Test Prep Be Your Stepping Stone

Achieve Test Prep offers an LPN to RN Bridge Program credit by exam.

  1. They help you find the best-accredited college to fit your needs
  2. Help you get credit for courses that you have already taken
  3. Identify courses like prereqs that you can “test out” of
  4. Provide a live instructor-led virtual online class
  5. Prepare you to test out and provides extra assistance if needed
  6. Ensure you get full accredited credit at the college of your choice


****These statements do not represent products or promises made or offered by Nursing CE Central, and we cannot guarantee admission into any programs or transfer of credits into any program.

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