Practice Good Sleep As A Night Shift Nurse
Setting up your environment and maintaining a routine are essential to getting the best sleep possible.
You want to set up your room to be conducive to getting good sleep.
Darken Your Room. Blackout curtains are effective in keeping out that stimulating sunlight. An alternative is putting aluminum foil over your windows (it sounds weird, but it works). Another alternative is wearing an eye mask.
Keep Your Room Cool. According to Harvard Medical School, “before we fall asleep, our bodies begin to lose some heat to the environment, which some researchers believe actually helps to induce sleep.” Help your body’s temperature along by having a cool room, so you can fall asleep faster.
Block/Drown Out Noise. A white-noise machine, such as a fan, can help drown out noises outside or other noises that may disturb your sleep. An alternative for blocking out noise is to wear earplugs. Also, silence your cell phone to minimize disruptions to your sleep.
Avoid Electronics. Limit or even restrict the use of your cell phone, television, computer, and other electronics in your room since the light from electronics can be stimulating. Also, cover your alarm clock to block out the light.
Coordinate with Your Housemates. Make sure your family/roommates know when you’re sleeping, so they can do their best to minimize activity and noise.
It is important to develop and keep a consistent sleep routine.
Stay up late on the night before your shift, so you can sleep in on the day of your night shift.
On your days off, keep your body on your night shift and sleep schedules.
As an example, here is the routine I followed as I prepared to go to bed:
- Adjust blackout curtains to ensure no light is coming into the room. (I never actually bothered opening them).
- Turn on the fan and white noise machine. I preferred a lot of white noise.
- On my cell phone, check that the alarm is set.
- Put on calming instrumental music at a low volume.
- Place my cell phone face down on the end table.
- Shower and blow dry hair.
- Turn off the lights.
- Get into bed.
- Take slow deep breaths.