Servant Leadership in Nursing
Online career and management solutions firm, Mind Tools, outlines the servant leadership style as serving and meeting the needs of others before your own. This form of leadership was founded by Robert Greenleaf who claims that if one can utilize listening skills, empathy, foresight, and a commitment to growth by building relationships within their team, they will become a successful servant leader.
This leadership style has been growing in popularity over the past few years! Employees like to feel that they are being heard. If a superior utilizes this leadership style and puts their employee’s needs above their own, they will have a more productive and satisfied staff.
Transformational Leadership in Nursing
Like the servant leadership style, a transformational leader promotes growth for positive change by connecting with team members through a shared or common goal. This nursing leadership type can serve to be one of the most influential and significantly improve patient outcomes and workplace satisfaction.
This style motivates employees to take ownership of their roles and perform beyond expectations. Rather than assigning someone daily set tasks, those who practice the transformational leadership style teach nurses to think outside of the box on top of their set duties for the day.
Out of all the leadership styles in nursing, I think that the transformational style can truly motivate individuals on a team to get work done, which strengthens their rapport and increases morale.

Democratic Leadership in Nursing
The AANAC defines a democratic nursing leadership style as someone who “encourages open communication and staff participation in decisions.” Additionally, a democratic leader tends to focus on quality improvements of overall processes rather than on singular mistakes.
Since this leadership style solely revolves around open communication, the r>elationships within the team dynamic are usually highly valued. It is important to a democratic leader that their employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and opinions.
A democratic leader in nursing is solely dedicated to the improvement of processes within their field as well as building strong relationships with their fellow nurses by upholding transparency, open mindedness, and optimism.
Authoritarian/Autocratic Leadership in Nursing
A reputable resource for health-based information, Verywell Mind, describes the Authoritarian/Autocratic nursing leadership type as an individual who makes decisions on behalf of their team without accepting approval or input from others.
This is a stark contrast to the other nursing leadership styles that we’ve covered so far, and can be highly effective in emergency situations; However, there are a few downfalls.
The Authoritarian/Autocratic leadership style does not promote open communication within the team, which can potentially lead to a separated work dynamic between employees and their superiors. As a result, this can lead to a lack of job satisfaction among nurses and further contribute to the global nursing shortage.
When compared to the other nursing leadership styles, the Lassiez-fare is the most laid back. This style encompasses little to no supervision or feedback when mistakes are made. A Lassiez-fare leader is usually hesitant to make systemic changes and typically has no prior leadership experience.
Coming from a nurse who has worked with several nurse managers in the past, this leadership style seems problematic. When considering how hands-on the healthcare field is, this ‘hand-off’ approach does not seem practical. However, this leadership style may be effective in smaller practices where all employees are seasoned professionals in their respective fields and do not need consistent feedback, supervision, or managing from their superiors.
Whatever nursing leadership styles fit you the best, understand that you do not have to commit to just being one! One of the best qualities a leader can possess is flexibility, so identify within yourself and your practice what aspects need improvement and go from there. Take notes of what works and what doesn’t. Understand that making mistakes is human nature, but recognizing your mistakes, correcting them, and ensuring they don’t happen again defines a true leader – you don’t need a title.