How You Can Help Overcome Weight Bias in Healthcare
The nurse-patient dynamic is unqiue because nurses spend a lot of one-on-one time with patients compared to doctors. A nurse has the potential to really set the tone for that speific patient encounter.
By utilizing the following strategies in one’s nursing practice, together the nursing community can help reduce stigmas related to overweight patients, and promote more positive patient outcomes.
Self Accountability
As a nurse you can help patients have a positive healthcare experience by addressing the patient not the obesity, refraining from weighing the patient around others, communicating with sensitivity, recognizing the issues with weight gain are complex and not just attributed to willpower, and keeping your own ideas and prejudices in check.
Ask yourself these questions: Do I give patients information in a positive non-judgmental manner? Am I comfortable working with patients of all sizes and shapes? Do I make patient character assumptions based on their weight?
Holding yourself accountable and being mindful of your own behavior towards patients is a positive step in ensuring the patients you come across have a positive experience during their visit.
Empower Patients
What should you tell a patient if they tell you they feel they have been discriminated against by their provider or other medical professional because of their weight?
Encourage the patient to speak about their experience and how it made them feel. Patients with obesity often feel judged and shamed about their body size. It is important for patients to feel comfortable to ask questions and express concerns not only about weight management but other health issues as well.
Intentional Language
Initiating conversations about weight with a patient can be intimidating but if you are mindful of the phrases you use and how you approach the patient you will receive a positive response.
For example, I have found it helpful to ask, “Would it be ok if we discussed your weight today?” instead of “We need to talk about your weight” or “You have gained weight since your last visit.”
You can even ask the patient if there are any terms, they prefer you use when discussing their weight. This will make them feel more involved in their healthcare choices and they will feel respected. A few other questions you can ask are “How would you like your health to be different?” or “How can I help you succeed with your health goals?”