What is a PACU Nurse? What Do They Do?
As previously mentioned, a post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) is utilized for patients who have recently undergone surgical procedures and are in need of medical supervision as they recover from the effects of general anesthesia.
Much like with any medication, there is always a risk of serious complications; this is no different for general anesthesia. For example, Medical News Today reports a few of the potentially dangerous complications following a surgical procedure being heart attacks, strokes, postoperative confusion, and pneumonia.
With that being said, it is evident that the role of a PACU nurse is essential in ensuring that proper observation and care is given to patients following a surgical procedure where general anesthesia was administered.
Whether they are assessing and reviewing vital signs, trying to engage in conversations with the patient, or helping them with getting up and walking around, a PACU nurse provides comfort, words of encouragement, and information to their patients as they begin their road to recovery.
If you were once interested in the hustle and bustle of being a Med-Surg or OR nurse and are now looking for something more relaxed, perhaps a career change to a PACU role is the right move for you! But do you meet the requirements?