Nursing News

Pennsylvania Hospital Shooting Highlights Workplace Violence Concerns

  • A deadly Pennsylvania hospital shooting has renewed calls for Congress to enact legislation that protects healthcare workers against violence. 
  • The shooting at University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (UPMC) Memorial Hospital resulted in the death of a responding police officer and five others being wounded. 
  • The incident occurred days after a nurse in Florida was attacked so severely that nearly every bone in her face was broken. 

Kari Williams

Nursing CE Central

February 26, 2025
Simmons University

A police officer has died, and five hospital workers, including a nurse, were injured in a shooting at a Pennsylvania hospital over the weekend.  

The incident prompted advocacy groups to double down on their calls for more stringent workplace violence safety measures. 

Pennsylvania hospital shooting

Pennsylvania Hospital Shooting: The Details 

A 49-year-old man entered UPMC Memorial Hospital with “a pistol and carrying zip ties,” according to several media reports, and held staffers in the intensive care unit hostage. A responding officer, Andrew Duarte, of the West York Borough Police Department, died responding to the incident that led to a “shootout” with officers.  

The nurse, a doctor, and a custodian who were injured are in stable condition.  

York County District Attorney Tim Barker said the shooter appeared to have “intentionally targeted” workers at the hospital after having recent contact with the intensive care unit, according to NBC-affiliate WTHR13. 

Hospital security arrived on scene first and called for backup after being fired at, WTHR13 reported. Multiple agencies responded. 

The Associated Press reported that Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro called the gunman’s attack “the act of a coward.” 

In a statement issued the day after the shooting, UPMC said it was providing counseling and “spiritual care services” to staff and that the facility was closed to visitors. 

Nurse Attacked at Florida Facility 

Days prior to the Pennsylvania shooting, a nurse was attacked at a West Palm Beach, Florida, hospital. 

WPBF reported that a 33-year-old man is facing second-degree attempted murder and hate crime charges after allegedly “beating the nurse and nearly breaking every bone in her face.” 

Nurses in the region held a rally over the weekend in support of their colleague and to call for more stringent safety measures in healthcare settings. 

Pennsylvania hospital shooting

Nurses on ‘Frontline of Violence’ 

Workplace violence remains a top concern for the American Nurses Association (ANA), which released a statement following the shooting, reminding the public of its advocacy efforts related to establishing a “national standard for violence prevention.” 

“While specific details from this event are still being clarified, it is evident that nurses often find themselves at the front line of violence,” the ANA stated. 

The organization is pushing for Congress to introduce legislation that would require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to establish national standards within one year, including mandatory reporting and tracking, de-escalation training, and more. 

“Workplace violence is a longstanding and unresolved issue in healthcare. It is a growing public health crisis that demands urgent attention. It worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, overburdening an already strained healthcare system,” said ANA President Jennifer S. Mensik Kennedy, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN. “One in three nurses lack the necessary safeguards to ensure their safety on the job, and one in every three nurses report personally experiencing workplace violence. OSHA has the authority to strengthen prevention and reporting requirements, but stronger mandates and enforcement are critical to tracking and mitigating workplace violence effectively. They must act now.” 

While some states, like Kentucky, have enacted legislation to protect healthcare workers, groups like ANA argue more support from the federal level is needed. 

Pennsylvania hospital shooting

The Bottom Line

One police officer is dead and five people, including a nurse, were injured in a shooting at a Pennsylvania hospital. The incident, which occurred days after a Florida nurse was attacked, renewed calls for Congress to introduce legislation that offers protection and violence prevention measures for healthcare workers. Those interested in advocating for this legislation can contact their local lawmakers.  

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