What Are the Consequences of Fake Vaccine Cards? Could I Lose My Job?
Much like the production, possession, and alteration of fake driver’s licenses, the consequences are far worse for fake vaccine cards.
For example, if one is in possession of a fake driver’s license, the punishment is usually labeled as a misdemeanor, and the guilty party will pay a fine. However, the consequences for fake vaccine cards are far worse.
“What exactly do you mean by this? What happens?”
As the pandemic progresses, more news stories regarding the utilization of fake vaccine cards for traveling, employment (if vaccinations are required upon hiring), and entry into private businesses are receiving national coverage. Check out this example from CNN:
Tammy McDonald, a South Carolina nurse, was recently charged with producing and distributing fraudulent identification (vaccine) documents as well as lying to federal investigators regarding the matter; she is now facing up to 35 years in prison.
Although more information is not available at this time, it is safe to assume that the South Carolina Board of Nursing will be revoking her nursing license.
Not only do the production, distribution, and possession of fake vaccine cards violate an individual state’s laws, it can also be a federal offense due to the CDC being a federal agency.