More Phone Calls
As hours passed, I talked to friends and family to be sure everyone was OK. I was deep in thought about Damian but was again jolted back to the present when another call came in.
This time, it was the hospital where I worked. They needed more nursing staff on call as the inevitable overflow of victims arrived at our hospital from the World Trade Center attacks.
I explained my situation but promised I would work when I could. They promised they would stay in touch and were thinking of me and my family.
I rushed off the phone. I needed to reach out to my sister again. I hated to ask the same question when the answer remained the same. Damian was still missing.
Not the Ending We Had Hoped For
On Sept. 11, 2001, 2,750 people were killed in the World Trade Center attacks. Sadly, my amazing brother-in-law, just 32 years old, was one of those victims. One of the happiest, most loving people I’ve had the privilege of knowing.
He worked on the 92nd floor of the North Tower, the first building to be attacked. The plane tore through floors 93 through 99, just above him. Sadly for him, but fortunately for others, 99% of the people below the 91st floor survived.
In the days that followed, my husband joined the search and rescue efforts at Ground Zero, which soon turned into search and recovery. In October 2001, my sister called me early one morning to say rescuers found her husband’s body. He could finally have the send-off he deserved.
In the years that followed, the lack of proper safety equipment would take a toll on my husband’s health. I felt fortunate to have used my nursing skills to help him heal from multiple surgeries. He is one of the fortunate first responders to live a full, healthy life in retirement, enjoying his grandchildren.
So many years have passed, but my sister continues to heal. I see glimpses of her husband, our brother-in-law, when I look at her two amazing young adult children. Through pictures, videos, and stories, they learn of the wonderful man their dad was. Someone they never truly got to know.