The First Two Stages of Labor
First Stage
Focusing on the first stage, known as dilation of the cervix. The first stage is the most common process thought of when the term labor is discussed. The process of dilation of the cervix can vary from patient to patient on length of time it takes and methods utilized.
Some patients need assistance to soften their cervix, enhance their effacement. Effacement refers to the thickness of the cervix and is typically provided in a percentage up to 100%.
Descriptive terms may also be used including soft or thick. Medications to aide in the softening of the cervix and the multiple lists of “grandma’s” tips and tricks are out there as well.
Once the cervix has softened, it will then gradually start to dilate. Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods could be utilized depending on each clinical scenario, to either augment or induce stage one.
Another important component to stage one to consider is latent labor, and for some patients they may be in latent labor for several weeks prior to active labor. When this happens, it can be both confusing and frustrating for patients.
Simply waiting for contractions strong enough to cause cervical change. Once the patient has arrived at 10 centimeters, the second stage of labor can commence.
Second Stage
The second stage of labor will be the delivery of the newborn. Considerations should be made on the number of previous deliveries, maternal exhaustion, stage one complications, fetal presentation, or previous delivery complications.
These considerations will help guide the amount and type of coaching to be done for the patient on various pushing and positioning techniques.
Always remember that each patient and each delivery can vary, so gaining understanding for each individual patient need will be critical to promote optimal patient care.