Five Fundamental Ways of Nursing Intuition
Early examination of nursing literature led by Barbara Carper (1978) resulted in four fundamental ways of knowledge and a fifth fundamental way of knowledge was put in place by Chinn and Kramer (2008).
Empirical was considered the most familiar and respected pattern related to the science of nursing. With this type of knowing, there is an assumption that an objective reality exists and the truths can be understood based on objective truths.
Aesthetic was considered the arte of nursing. It allows the nurse to move beyong the surface to connect with human experiences that are unique suchs as sickness, recovery, suffering, and death. This type of knowledge makes it possible to know what to do and how to be in the moment with patients.
Personal was considered the knowledge or self and others in relationship to nursing care. The nurse focuses on the inner experience of being genuine and whole. It involves knowing one’s own self and also knowing one’s self in relation to others.
This conceptualized a broad scope of knowledge that recognized “knowing” patients beyond the current boundaries. It allows the individual to be aware of and reflect upon the cultural, social, and political status and to formulate an understanding of why things came to be that way.
Action is implemented in ways that reduce or attempt to reduce injustice and inequality. The goal is to produce changes that are intended for the benefit of all.
Ethical was considered the moral component of knowledge in nursing and focused on what ought to be done. The nurses focus on making moment-to-moment decisions about what needs to be done, what is right, and what is responsible. Ethical knowledge goes beyond the codes of conduct and directs nurses in a way that exhibits their morals, and priorities.