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Pennsylvania Nursing License Renewal CE Requirements

 The Pennsylvania Nursing License Renewal CE Requirements are:

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing requires RNs to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education.

For your first renewal, a child abuse recognition and reporting and prevention class is required (not included in membership with NCC).

A DHS-approved child abuse recognition course. We do not provide this course, however, it can obtained for free here:

Note: this course must be completed prior to renewal.

What are the Pennsylvania Nursing License Renewal CE Requirements?

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing requires RNs to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education.

For your first renewal, a child abuse recognition and reporting and prevention class is required (not included in membership with NCC).

A DHS-approved child abuse recognition course. We do not provide this course, however, it can obtained for free here: Child Abuse Recognition Course
Note: this course must be completed prior to renewal.

Who do Pennsylvania Nurses renew their license with?

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing handles all license renewals.

Where can I find more information about Pennsylvania nursing license renewal? 

The Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing website is available by clicking here

How often do Pennsylvania nurses have to renew their license? 

Pennsylvania Nurses should renew licenses every two years.

Where can I find more information about Nursing CE Central’s courses for Pennsylvania nurses? 

Great questions- you can find more information at this link (click here)


Go ahead – sign up today and mark “get continuing education” off your to-do list. Once enrolled you’ll have six months to complete the courses.