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Understanding Your 2024 Georgia Nursing License Renewal

  • For nurses dealing with strains on the healthcare system, there is little time left for sifting through new rules and requirements for the 2024 Georgia nursing license renewal.
  • A lapse in licensure means the inability to continue working in Georgia, so knowing the correct renewal deadline is esstential.
  • Nursing CE Central has created a complete breakdown of questions, last day to renew, CE requirements, and consequences of not renewing on time.

NCC News & Content Team

June 13, 2024
Simmons University

As nurses continue to battle staffing shortages, burnout, and high demands and strains on the overall healthcare system, there is not a lot of time left to look through the new rules and requirements for renewal.

Licenses are set to expire again and a lapse in licensure not only means the inconvenience of dealing with the Georgia Board of Nursing, but also being unable to work.

That’s why our Nursing CE Central team has provided a  full list of top questions, last day to renew, CE requirements, and consequences of missing the deadline for the 2024 Georgia nursing license renewal period.

The Georgia Board of Nursing says they will administratively revoke the license of any nurse who fails to renew their license on time. Once that happens, a nurse will be required to submit an application for reinstatement.

1. What are the 2024 CE Requirements to Renew a Nursing License?

Nurses must meet Georgia’s continuing education Competency requirements in order to renew their license. There are several different options of meeting this requirement. Most RNs choose to complete 30 contact hours of CE and most LPNs choose to complete 20 hours of CE. This continuing education must come from an approved provider (such as Nursing CE Central).

(Nursing CE Central’s 2024 Georgia Online License Renewal Bundle includes all of these required courses.)

2. Which Nurses Are Required to Obtain CE to Renew Their License?

Both LPNs and RNs can choose to complete CE to fulfill the 2024 continuing compentency requirements for the renewal of a nursing license.

3. Is a Test Required to Complete the CE Requirements for Renewal?

No, a test isn’t required to complete the CE requirements for the 2024 Georgia nursing license renewal.

4. Do I Need to Submit My CE Through CE Broker?

Yes, you must report all completed CE to CE Broker for the Georgia nursing license renewal. Nursing CE Central automatically submits your certificates to them once all of the required courses are finished.

georgia nursing license renewal

5. Is Nursing CE Central a Georgia Board of Nursing-Approved Provider?

Yes, Nursing CE Central’s continuing education courses are accepted by the Georgia Board of Nursing for license renewal.

7. When Is the Nurse License Renewal Deadline?

LPNs must renew their license by March 30, 2024 and RNs must renew by January 31, 2024. Georgia nurses must renew on even or odd numbered years, depending on the year their licenses were first issued.

8. What Happens if the Deadline Is Missed?

The Georgia Board of Nursing says they will administratively revoke the license of any nurse who fails to renew their license on time. Once that happens, they’ll be required to submit an application for reinstatement. This process comes with additional fees and documentation requirements.

9. Can I Work With a Lapsed License?

No, you cannot practice nursing with a lapsed license.

10. How Can I Renew a Nurse License?

You can renew your license online by visiting the Georgia Professional Licensing online portal, or by contacting the Board at 478.207.2440 to request a paper application.

georgia nursing license renewal

11. What Is Needed to Start a Nursing License Renewal Online with the Board?

Most nurses will only need fulfilled CE requirements and submitted documentation of them, along with a valid method of payment, to complete the Georgia nursing license renewal through the online portal (

 12. What Is the Contact Information for the Georgia Board of Nursing?

The board can be contacted in the following ways to answer any questions regarding the Georgia nursing license renewal:

Georgia Board of Nursing website

Address: 237 Coliseum Dr, Macon, GA 31217

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 844-753-7825

Their hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Still Have Questions?

Visit our Georgia nursing license renewal page for more information or to start your required CEUs.

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